zero malaria
We're a global movement, born out of the grassroots pan-African campaign Zero Malaria Starts with Me, that is committed to ending malaria in a generation. Together we are lifting the voices of people impacted by malaria, connecting communities with leaders and providing platforms and campaigns that unite everyone in solidarity to end malaria, one of the world’s oldest and deadliest diseases.Join us and help end malaria by supporting one of the Zero Malaria campaigns below.
Zero Malaria: Change the story
Every minute, a child dies from malaria, yet their voices often go unheard. World leaders need to listen, to hear their stories as the decisions they make today could save millions of lives.The malaria fight faces a perfect storm of challenges, if our leaders fail to act now we could see an upsurge, meaning more suffering and more loss.With action and investment now we can be the generation to reach zero malaria.

The Zero Malaria Experience is an immersive and interactive installation showing how innovation and funding can save millions of children’s lives and unlock potential across the globe.Using brand new research it shows for the first time the impact we can have by bringing together our existing malaria-fighting tools, like mosquito nets and medicines, with scientific breakthroughs like new vaccines and gene-drive technology. The research by Imperial College London estimates more than 13.2 million lives could be saved over the next 15 years from existing and future tools combined.

Revealed: Fighting Malaria Offers Global Economic Boost
Malaria isn’t just an illness that affects our health. It causes a financial burden that impacts families, communities, and holds back entire economies from achieving their potential – and this is felt globally.
Brand new research has revealed that by getting back on track to cutting malaria by 90% by 2030 could boost the economies of malaria-endemic countries by an incredible $142.7 billion.
The Ghetto Kids invite us into their world to share how malaria has affected them.Nothing should hold these amazing, talented children back from their potential -- but living with malaria daily, they know the harsh setbacks and struggles associated with the disease all too well.
zero malaria starts with me
Zero Malaria Starts with Me is a pan-African campaign that mobilizes and empowers communities to take ownership of the fight to end malaria. We drive action from political, private sector, and community leaders to accelerate malaria prevention and treatment and save lives.

zero malaria: draw the line against malaria
This youth-driven campaign calls on people to 'Draw the Line Against Malaria' once and for all, and together demand that world leaders take action to end malaria in a generation.

zero malaria f.c.
Football legends Luís Figo and Khalilou Fadiga have created Zero Malaria F.C., a team that brings together a team of globally renowned footballers to increase malaria awareness and urge greater action against this deadly disease.